Saturday 18 November 2006

Morocco, Marrakech مراكش

What a sensational feeling when you arrive from London at Marrakech airport in the month of November. Three hours earlier we were under the cold English rain. Here, our sweaters are obsolete and everything around us seems so exotic.

We arrived at mid-day in a tiny airport in the South of Morocco. Although I've lived in Rabat for nine years I had never come back to Morocco to visit it properly. And also, i've lived there 16 years ago!

From the airport we took a taxi to our Riad, traditional "maison d'hotes" mainly owned by Europeans. Ours was Riad El Az in one of the medinas, but it was most commonly known in the neighborhood as "Le Riad de Danielle." The taxi dropped us in front of the medina's entrance. Since His Majesty Mohammad VI was arriving to the city the next morning all the roads were closed for reparation and painting.

After asking many kids on the streets about the riad de Danielle, we finally made it (having promised the kid who showed us our way a few dirhams when we'd go out later).

Things you shouldn't miss in Marrakech: of course THE Jemaa El Fna, which is the main square by all the souks where you have performers of all kinds during the day and food stands at night (you should definitely try to eat at the stands, we've been told to try #1, it was amazingly good, order the merguez and the lamb tagine!)

Gnaoua Singers and the stands at Jemaa El Fna

In the souks you will find many activities, from the Tanneurs (leather makers) to the little cafes perched above the stores with a view on the square. Or better, the spice market where you can find everything from cooking ingredients to hair and skin natural products.

and if you have a toothache...feel free to visit one the medina's tooth makers!

Before heading south to Ouarzazate, we visited the Koutoubia Mosque, the Madrassa Ben Youssef and went back to have our last dinner at stand #1 with our host Youssef from Riad de Danielle.

For more pictures see the pages on Riad El Az and Marrakech Photos

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