Wednesday 22 November 2006

Morocco, Vallee du Draa

After grabbing a quick breakfast our guide, Aziz, came to pick us up at the door of the Medina. And off we went...direction: south to the Draa Valley!

The road we took was also called La Vallee des Palmiers (the palm trees valley). The villages we passed through on the road were hidden behind the trees and often were built inside the Kasbah. I never saw so many kids running towards us. Before leaving London I had read that the thing kids ask for the most in south Morocco was pens, so I had bought a few days before a large box of blue bics and we were distributing them on our way. The kids would actually come straight to us and ask for a "bic" or "stylo", once they got one they would go and be happy. I was tempted to buy notebooks as well but couldn't figure our how we would carry them around during the trip!

And then we arrived at our first desert dune, 30 minutes south of Zagora. Although it looks giant on the pics, it was a medium sand dune in the middle of flat land. They had a few camels to please the tourists and turn around the dune. We just went up and relaxed for a bit. Aziz was happy to smoke his cigarette and take a break from driving.
On our way back north, we stopped to buy some dates and enjoy the view...with another cigarette! We desperately needed a coffee and we wanted to get to know Aziz a bit more so we stopped in a little town called Agdz.

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